Monday, March 18, 2019

Our First Home

So we bought our first home! It was a funny story really. We had spent months looking at houses and even put in offers on two homes we thought were "the one." When you start dreaming and imagining yourself in a home only to lose it to another buyer, you understandably tend to feel a bit defeated. 

So, we stopped looking for sometime, mostly because we had seen everything that was listed worth looking at and thought we'd wait until the spring for the next batch of new listings. Early in the spring, we looked at a fairly large 4 bedroom home across the street. As we were both getting into our cars, a man kind of waved at me from the house across the street and I stepped back out of my vehicle. He asked if we were interested in looking at his home because he and his wife were thinking of listing it in the spring. I looked over at my wife and we both said "sure!" Long story short, we fell in love with the house, forgot all about our realtor and signed the papers at the bank that spring. 

1 comment:

  1. Look how cute it is in spring. I bet that rhododendron next to the porch is impressive when in bloom.


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